Green Glen Minerals

Vision & Values

Green Glen Minerals is a gold focused company focussed on the exploration of highly prospective assets in Scotland.

Green Glen Minerals is a gold focused company focussed on the exploration of highly prospective assets in Scotland and Norway.

The Company is advancing the Lead Trial prospect within the Loch Tay Licence area. Lead Trial is an exciting new gold discovery with real potential to become an economic discovery. Green Glen benefits from an experienced technical management and directors with extensive experience in capital markets, ensuring the Company is well position to deliver on both its operational and corporate objectives.

The Directors envisage that the Company may expand into other metals and the Company is open to, and continuously reviewing, opportunities for growth especially in metals which have anticipated demand such as those required for green technologies and infrastructure and EVs e.g., Ag, Cu, Co, Ni, Li. Demand for these metals is expected to grow substantially as more countries look to decarbonise their economies. Meanwhile, gold continues to perform well as economic stimulus measures continue in many countries with growing debts and low interest rates supporting gold as a long-term asset.

The Board is committed to creating significant shareholder value through responsible exploration and discovery.